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Figures from the Global Carbon Budget 2024

This page provides supplementary presentation figures in units of GtC. The main figure page in units of GtCO2 is here.

Slide 09
Perturbation of the carbon cycle
Slide 11
Global fossil CO2 emissions
Slide 13
Contributions to change: Countries
Slide 15
Global land-use change emissions
Slide 16
LUC flows: top three
Slide 21
Global fossil CO2 emissions
Slide 22
100 years of fossil CO2 emissions
Slide 23
Global emissions and intensity of the economy
Slide 25
Emissions of the top six emitters
Slide 26
Per-capita emissions of the top six emitters
Slide 28
Historical emissions
Slide 30
Global emissions from coal, oil, gas and cement
Slide 31
Contributions to change: Categories
Slide 32
Global emissions from coal, oil, gas and cement
Slide 41
Cement carbonation uptake
Slide 43
Land-use change sub-components 1
Slide 44
Land-use change sub-components 2
Slide 45
Land-use change grid
Slide 47
Global fossil and LUC emissions
Slide 52
Global carbon budget
Slide 53
Maps of sources and sinks
Slide 54
Growth rate of atmospheric CO2
Slide 56
Ocean carbon sink
Slide 57
Terrestrial carbon sink
Slide 58
Land and ocean sink attribution
Slide 59
Land and ocean sinks
Slide 60
Latitudinal variability of fluxes
Slide 61
Carbon imbalance
Slide 63
Remaining carbon budget
Slide 64
Remaining carbon budget
Slide 69
Changes in final years
Slide 70
Global CO2 emissions by region
Slide 71
Global CO2 emissions per capita
Slide 72
Emissions intensity of the top four emitters
Slide 74
Emissions intensity and GDP by country
Slide 75
Emissions per capita and population by country
Slide 76
Comparing perspectives on emissions
Slide 78
Emissions by continent
Slide 79
Per-capita emissions by continent
Slide 81
Consumption-based emissions for the top four
Slide 82
Per capita Consumption-based emissions
Slide 83
Consumption-based emissions for OECD
Slide 86
Global emissions by source
Slide 87
Share of global emissions by source
Slide 88
Cumulative share of emissions by country
Slide 89
Cumulative share of emissions by continent
Bonus figure
Global carbon budget (cumulative)