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Figures from the Global Carbon Budget 2023
Download the entire fossil CO2 dataset (1750–2022) and its documentation from the Zenodo archive
Full scientific documentation is available in Friedlingstein et al. 2023.
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Selected figures in units of GtC are available here.
These figures appear in the Global Carbon Project's 2023 release. For additional details, and explanations of all figures, please view the full presentation available here. For alternative visualisations of our data, see the Global Carbon Atlas and Our World in Data.

Our intention is that these figures and data are used. That's why they're released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Simply put, you may freely copy and modify these figures and data, and use them in both commercial and non-commercial works, as long as you give credit to the Global Carbon Project.
If you're just tweeting a figure or using a figure in a presentation, then it already says at the bottom that it's by the Global Carbon Project, so you're good to go! If you use the data or modify the figure then you will need to make a little more effort.
For details on the license, visit the Creative Commons website. Suggested citation for use in a book: "Used with permission of the Global Carbon Project under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license."
If you're just tweeting a figure or using a figure in a presentation, then it already says at the bottom that it's by the Global Carbon Project, so you're good to go! If you use the data or modify the figure then you will need to make a little more effort.
For details on the license, visit the Creative Commons website. Suggested citation for use in a book: "Used with permission of the Global Carbon Project under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license."

To download figures or data, use the Download menu to the upper right of each figure. The precision provided in the data files is not indicative of certainty. For example, the data file says that global emissions in 2022 were 37.1498 GtCO2, but this should be quoted as 37.1 GtCO2. CSV data files have been prepared for many but not all figures on this page.